Invisalign and Orthodontics in Elm Grove

Invisalign orthodontics involve clear braces, or aligners that are custom designed to fit over the surface of the teeth to gradually move them into their ideal position. Popular for their transparent, virtually invisible appearance, patients of all ages who are looking to quickly (and discreetly) straighten their teeth often choose Invisalign clear aligners. If you or a loved one is considering Invisalign for a straightened, more radiant smile, give us a call at (262) 784-7770 to schedule an appointment. 


Why Should I Straighten My Teeth?

Teeth are meant to work together to support a functional bite for a lifetime. But smiles that have crooked, gapped or misaligned teeth may be at risk of certain dental related issues and a loss of self esteem. To support a proper bite alignment and beautiful smile, patients should consider the following benefits of orthodontic care: 

  • Correct minor to more complicated bite alignment issues such as TMJ pain or TMD

  • Correct malocclusions, known as a crowded smile or crooked teeth

  • Repair a poorly formed smile and prevent other bite abnormalities

  • Provide comfortable support to the natural functions of the bite

Metal Braces vs. Invisalign

Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign is known for its clear appearance and ability to be removed before meals or consuming your favorite sticky, sweet treats. For patients, this process has the following benefits: 

  • Easily removable before eating (and won’t trap food) and for easy cleaning of the teeth

  • Discreet appearance for an aesthetically pleasant smile throughout the process

  • Won’t rub, chafe or scratch the inside of the cheek and does not require gummy wax

  • Can straighten the smile in as little as 12 months vs up to 2-3 years of traditional braces

How Can Invisalign Help Me?

Not all of us are patient and can wait 2-3 years on average in clunky metal braces to achieve a better looking smile. Thankfully, Invisalign, which is made up of a strong thermoplastic material, is clear by design and can straighten teeth quickly and conveniently. If you have had a nagging dental concern about a crooked smile or misaligned teeth, you may want to ask Dr. Meinerz for advice about straightening your smile with Invisalign. Our invisalign process is simple, but results are often dramatic! 

Our Invisalign Process

The invisalign process doesn’t involve bulky wires, brackets or those colorful rubber bands that have made metal braces stand out over the years. Instead, invisalign is discrete and involves thin, strong aligners made from an impression of the teeth. Each set of aligners is unique to the shape of your individual smile. By wearing sets of aligners (one for the upper jaw and one for the lower) for about two weeks per set, the teeth are gently moved into place. Wearing your aligners may take some initial getting used to but will become more comfortable over time. 


How to Care for Your Aligners

Once you get your Invisalign aligners, it’s very important that you care for them properly. Losing, damaging, or breaking an aligner can set your treatment back and negatively affect the outcome of your procedure.

Avoid drinking anything except water while wearing your aligners because this may cause them to stain. Hot beverages like coffee or tea could also warp your aligners, requiring you to get a new set. You cannot eat while wearing aligners since chewing may warp or damage your aligners.

In addition, make sure you rinse your aligners whenever you remove them to eat or drink. This will help rinse away saliva and oral bacteria. Whenever you take your aligners out to eat, put them into their carrying case so that you do not lose, misplace, or damage them.

Brush your teeth before you put your aligners back in after eating, whenever possible. If you can’t brush your teeth, rinsing your mouth with antibacterial mouthwash or even clean water can help remove food debris and keep your teeth clean. 

It is important to maintain proper oral hygiene to keep food particles and bacteria out of your aligners. If you do not brush, floss, and rinse properly, bacteria and food particles will get trapped between your teeth and aligners and could cause cavities.

At night, brush your aligners gently with a fragrance-free soap that rinses away cleanly before wearing them for the night. In addition, treat your aligners with denture cleaners or a product like Invisalign cleaning crystals once per week to keep them clean and sanitized.


What Happens After Invisalign Treatment?

After your Invisalign treatment at Honest Teeth, Dr. Meinerz or Dr. Krueger will discuss your options for keeping your teeth straight. You may need a retainer, and there are two common types: fixed and removable.

Fixed retainers are made out of a special type of wire, which is bonded to the rear of your teeth to keep them in place and prevent them from shifting after treatment. The biggest benefit of a fixed retainer is that you don’t have to remember to wear it at night, and it will always keep your teeth straight. However, some patients may not like the idea of a piece of metal becoming a permanent part of their mouth.

If that’s the case, you can opt for removable retainers. These look similar to an Invisalign aligner. However, they’re designed to be worn only at night to keep your teeth from shifting. You must be consistent about wearing them to keep your teeth straight. If you do not wear them regularly, your teeth may start to shift back to their original position and become crooked again.

Our Tips for Optimal Invisalign Results

The most important thing you can do is consistently wear your aligners for at least 20-22+ hours per day. If you do not wear your aligners properly and consistently, you will not get the best results.

You should also make sure you keep track of your previous set of aligners and keep them safe, even after switching to a new set. In the rare event that you lose or damage your aligners, you can switch back to the old pair to keep your teeth from shifting until Dr. Krueger or Dr. Meinerz can provide you with a replacement set.

Your Appointment with Dr. Meinerz

Achieving a straighter smile can make all the difference for a patient who desires to live more confidently in a smile they love. At Honest Teeth in Elm Grove, we believe our patients deserve to embrace happier lives with better oral health and positive memories at the dentist. If you have been considering straightening your smile, Invisalign is a versatile and popular option in restorative dentistry. Give us a call at (262) 784-7770 to schedule your appointment.